Adapting Hardware Platforms to a Multi-Core Response Time Analysis Framework |
Bruno Ferres (VERIMA... |
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Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies |
Pascal Raymond (VERI... |
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Application of automated planning to industrial production management |
Damien Pellier (LIG-... |
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Applying Standpoint Logic to the Semantic Web |
Lucia Gomez Alvares... |
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Automatic generation of test procedures with artificial intelligence |
Nicolas Hili (LIG) |
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Building LLMs for the medical domain |
Lorraine Goeuriot (L... |
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Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Evaluation II |
Marco Dinarelli (LIG... |
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Debugging Component-based Systems |
Akram Idani (VERIMAG... |
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Définition et implémentation d’un outil de Réalité Augmentée dans le cadre de la formation en maïeutique (diplôme de sage-femme) |
Guillaume Thomann (G... |
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Designing a bottom-to-top tool to teach data visualization to children |
Adrien Chaffangeon C... |
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Detection and analysis of human reactions for the adaptation of cobot behaviour in an industrial environment |
Damien Pellier (LIG-... |
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Développer un outil graphique de configuration d’application web 3D |
Joelle Thollot (LJK)... |
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Développeur python pour l’extraction et l’édition de données géographiques |
Joelle Thollot (LJK)... |
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Dynamic Analysis of Programs to Quantify the Potential of a Compiler Optimization |
Arthur Perais (TIMA)... |
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Dynamic and probabilistic extensions of standpoint logic |
Jérôme Euzenat (LIG-... |
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Efficient reasoning with standpoint logics |
Jérôme Euzenat (LIG-... |
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Emergence of echo chamber through opinions-beliefs interactions |
Jérôme Euzenat (LIG-... |
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Energy optimization of applications using very large memory spaces |
Thomas Ropars (LIG -... |
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Energy/Performance Trade-offs for Digital Soberness |
Raphaël Bleuse (INRI... |
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Engineering Safe AI Models with Dependently Typed Languages |
Damien Pellier (LIG-... |
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Estimating the environmental impacts of Artificial Intelligence inference deployments |
Danilo Carastan dos... |
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Evaluating Medical LLMs |
Lorraine Goeuriot (L... |
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Evaluating Question/Answer Generation with LLMs |
Sihem Amer-Yahia (LI... |
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Exploration by model-checking of timing anomaly cancellation in a processor |
Pascal Raymond (VERI... |
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Exploring AI Solutions for Insider Threats Identification |
Akram Idani (VERIMAG... |
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Guided Evolution of BPMN Processes |
Gwen Salaun (LIG) |
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Human-AI collaboration for automatic classification of subjective data: application to student comments |
Christian Hoffmann (... |
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Implémentation d'un modèle d'apprentissage profond pour de la fusion d'image. |
Christophe Cérin (IN... |
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Implementation of critical applications on multi-core: execution mode analysis to reduce interferences |
Claire Maiza (VERIMA... |
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Improving the carbon footprint of reliable storage in datacenters |
Thomas Ropars (LIG -... |
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Internship 24/25. AI for Science: generative methods for online adaptive deep learning training |
Bruno Raffin (LIG-IN... |
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Internship 24/25: Combining Transformers and Normalizing Flows for Deep Surrogate Training |
Bruno Raffin (LIG-IN... |
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Internship 24/25: Python Data Processing on Supercomputers for Large Parallel Numerical Simulations |
Bruno Raffin (LIG-IN... |
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LLMs4TestGen : génération de tests à base de LLMs |
Yves Ledru (LIG-VASC... |
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making GPU Tensor cores compute texture interpolation (and more) |
Fabrice Neyret (LJK-... |
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Manapy in the Cloud |
Christophe Cérin (IN... |
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Minimization of Wasted Resources for Digital Soberness |
Raphaël Bleuse (INRI... |
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Object and object features extraction from an image for data collection |
Adrien Chaffangeon C... |
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On the environmental cost of high availability in datacenters |
Thomas Ropars (LIG -... |
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Provenance-Aware LLMs |
Silviu Maniu (LIG -... |
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Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) for Task-Driven Dataset Discovery and Data Exploration |
Sihem Amer-Yahia (LI... |
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RIGID : Information Retrieval by document identifier generation. |
Philippe Mulhem (LIG... |
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Schema-based Graph Data Integration |
Rachid Echahed (LIG-... |
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Secure Provisioning and Enrollment of IoT Devices Using DNSSEC |
Franck Rousseau (LIG... |
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Security counter-measures in a certified optimizing compiler |
Sylvain Boulme (VERI... |
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Sensorimotor representation learning of manipulable objects |
Jean-Charles Quinton... |
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Supervision of autonomous robotic systems based on SAT and SMT solvers |
Damien Pellier (LIG-... |
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Towards New Frontiers in Multi-Core Response Time Analysis? |
Bruno Ferres (VERIMA... |
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Understanding Logics of Context and Viewpoints |
Jérôme Euzenat (LIG-... |
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Using Generative AI to generate action plans for autonomous systems |
Damien Pellier (LIG-... |
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